Cancel BA-MEN Event RSVPs
Cancel an RSVP for any BA-MEN event.
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Do you want to RSVP, rather than cancel an RSVP?
To RSVP, not cancel an RSVP, please use the appropriate event form:
For Meet & Greet events, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/mg/
For Hotel parties, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/hotel/
For Trip events, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/trip/
For other events, please visit:  http://BA-MEN.Org/rsvp/main/
If you have problems using this form, please email us your RSVP cancellation to:
(or just reply to your RSVP request or confirmation and say that you're cancelling.)
Which event do you want to cancel attending? *
What is your name? *
(First name & last name or last Initial)
Email address: *
Please check your email address for typos...  Many often miss a letter somewhere in the address.
If you were bringing a partner or friend(s), what are their names?
Any comments, questions, or suggestions?
Feel free to offer why you're cancelling, especially if we can somehow help in the future.
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